VADHER Leathers Ltd specializes in manufacturing high-quality leather bags and accessories. Our focus is on producing high-quality leather goods in small quantities, giving our clients unique and personalized products that stand out from mass-produced items. With years of experience in the industry, we take pride in creating hand-made products that are both stylish and functional.  Our factory is a hub of creativity and skill, where we meticulously hand craft premium leather goods. We take pride in our commitment to sustainability, using every bit of leather to minimize waste. From handcrafted bags and accessories to restoring and repairing leather treasures, our passion for quality and attention to detail shine through in every piece we create. Whether it's fashioning our unique designs or collaborating with brands, we're dedicated to excellence in leather craftsmanship.

Bucket Bags

Eclipse Panel Mini

Eclipse Mini

Keychains, Wallets, Coin Pouches, Passport Holders, Belts



Clutch, Shoulder Bags

Saddle Bags